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Butterfly Plant

Butterfly Plant


Back in Stock! The Butterfly Plant or Angel Wing likes a lot of light. May bloom several times a year. We'll have more of these beauties next spring.

Butterfly plant or Angel Wing. Like a lot of light. May bloom several times a year.

Angel Wing, scientifically known as Caladium, is a stunning tropical foliage plant adored for its distinct heart-shaped leaves. With their vibrant colors and intricate patterns, these plants create a captivating display in gardens and indoor spaces. Their elegant appearance resembles the delicate wings of an angel, hence their name.

In Central Texas, care for Angel Wing plants by providing them with partial shade and well-draining soil. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Protect them from extreme heat and provide regular fertilization. Trim off any yellow or damaged leaves and provide occasional misting to maintain adequate humidity.